online marketing trends 2024,
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 trends 2024
 marketing trends 2024,
 using chatgpt 2024,
 marketing trends in 2024 that still work

2023 was an exciting year for online marketing: the widespread use of artificial intelligence, Twitter being taken over by Elon Musk and renamed X, reels becoming increasingly popular and TikTok no longer just for dancing teenagers. But what are the most important marketing trends for your online business in 2024?

The 5 most important marketing trends for your online business in 2024:

  1. Use AI sensibly
  2. Show yourself to your followers
  3. Interactive content for your fans
  4. Be proud of your values
  5. Understand your customers


Use AI sensibly

In 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) was all the hype. Copywriters, content creators and designers – in a state of shock – suddenly feared for their existence. In 2024, one thing is clear: AI delivers surprising results, but cannot replace humans. The various programs make content creation easier for you, support you with texts and graphics, inspire, correct and offer helpful suggestions. Relying completely on the tools and simply adopting content without critically scrutinizing it? Better not! But using them can definitely save you a lot of time and take a lot of work off your hands! That’s why they remain at the top of the marketing trends for 2024. Didn’t have time to familiarize yourself in 2023? Find out more about ChatGPT here.

Show yourself to your followers

Today, there are new coaches, trainers and healers offering their services online every day. To avoid getting lost in this online jungle, you need to stand out from the crowd. But what makes your business so unique? Exactly! You! That’s why it’s more important than ever in 2024 to regularly show yourself to your followers. Today, social media offers you endless opportunities to do this:

Post regular stories in which you provide insights into your life. Please note, this doesn’t mean you should post your food all the time! Show how you prepare for your working day, how you use your breaks, what your practice looks like, snippets from a course, how you’re working on your new online course… You can be authentic and approachable without having to spill the beans! Of course, you can also provide selected insights into your life if you want to, but that’s not a must.
Invite people to Lives! Various platforms offer you the opportunity to easily go live – be it on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or TikTok. This is a great way to get in touch with your prospects, answer their questions and give them a feel for what you’re like. Especially if you are a coach, mentor or trainer, a good gut feeling is often crucial for your potential clients! In addition to your professional aptitude, they want to get a feeling that you are a harmless person.

Regularly include reels in your content – Reels give you the opportunity to show yourself authentically as you are and to provide your followers with up to 10 minutes of content at the same time. Make sure that you don’t have any distracting background noise and that you activate subtitles. Many people watch social media posts in mute mode because they are on the subway, for example.

Interactive content for your fans

In 2024, your fans don’t just want to be entertained, they also want to be actively challenged. The best way to do this is with

  • Surveys;
  • competitions;
  • quizzes;
  • polls…

This way, your followers can also share their opinions with you, help shape your content, test your products or gain knowledge in a fun way. Incidentally, this has several advantages for you:

Your target group will visit your channels more often, even if they haven’t seen your posts, as they won’t want to miss your latest competition or the solution/continuation of your quiz;
You learn more about your target group through polls and surveys and can therefore better optimize your content;
Social media algorithms love interaction! This way, your channels are considered relevant and your content is played more often and more often.

Be proud of your values

Don’t take offense, don’t take a stand and stay as neutral as possible? – Certainly won’t work in 2024! Today, your followers want to know what you stand for. What values are important to you? What does your brand stand for?

Communicate what you personally stand for – this makes you authentic and shows that you follow principles and keep promises. Issues such as sustainability, tolerance and social commitment are more important today than ever!

Understand your customer

In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult to attract people’s attention. The key to attracting people’s attention is to make a very specific appeal. We only react when a post really triggers something in us: be it that we can identify with it, that it addresses a relevant problem that concerns us or interesting content that really helps us. In order to deliver exactly this type of content in 2024, there is no way around a very in-depth analysis of your target group. I

f you already know exactly who your dream customer is, what makes them tick and what worries/dreams they have, you will have no trouble creating appealing content in 2024!

Conclusion: Make sure you implement the 5 most important marketing trends for your online business in 2024!

The good news is: In 2024, you don’t have to discover 2000 new platforms for yourself, suddenly walk on your hands or take on other extreme things to perform well. 2024 will be your year if you focus on authentic and appealing content that you can support or prepare with AI!

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Be a lighthouse, not a tea light!

Your Jyotima

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